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Enjoy the rain in Cuenca: the best plans for gray days
Although we all prefer a clear and radiant sky, gray days can offer a unique and enchanting experience, full of romance to discover places that we
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- publicado 20.10.2022
- por Cuenqueando
- lapis specularisminas romanaslapis specularisroman mines
Roman Lapis Specularis Mines: an asset of cultural interest
During these days the Roman Lapis Specularis Mines of Cueva del Sanabrio are in the news because the local action groups CEDER Alcarria Conquense
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- publicado 18.06.2021
- por Cuenqueando
- Minas Romanaslapis specularisplanes con niñosRoman minesPlans with childrenLapis sepecularis
Plans in Cuenca for the little ones
The well-deserved summer holidays are coming for our little ones. And this year they deserve it more than ever because they have behaved like
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